Tuesday, June 7, 2011

May Allah Bless Her Soul

She's gone yesterday.I've lost one of the most important people in my life.And i feel broken.Maybe part of me thought she wouldn't die.Couldn't die.She was always a little more than human to me.But I suppose she was mortal like the rest of us,after all.And maybe that's a beautiful thing.Her strengh and her compassion were so connected,there was no separating them.And she made us feel special.

But now she has a new life in a place I can't visit.I cried when i heard this but it made me think about life.Ultimately,our life on earth is temporary.This temporary life will come to an end for all of us.I'm having mixed feelings.I feel sad that she's gone.Because no matter how much i love life, i won't live forever.Allah loves her more.

May Allah bless her soul.The best grandmom ever.


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